23 Creepy Things People Have Woken Up To In The Middle of the Night.
That would be terrifying.
Published 4 years ago in Creepy
That would be terrifying.
Woke up to a noise in the house. I go investigate and the attic is open. 0% chance it was open before. I close the attic, search the house with the only weapon I had at the time, a samurai sword. Then came time to check the attic. I left the sword with my wife and ascended the stairs unarmed. Found nothing. To this day I still have zero explanation for what happened. The spring to the attic stairs was confirmed strong and would close itself.9
Some sort of sock-puppet-looking gremlin when I was maybe four. Thought it was my older brother in the bottom bunk pranking me. Looked down and he was out. Looked back and it snarled at me. I ran to the kitchen and puked. Thirty years later, I’m still not sure whether I was awake or asleep, but it’s burned into my brain and it still creeps me out.10
Woke up around 3 AM in my downtown studio apartment. Pitch black, dead silent. Suddenly, I hear the faucet slowly turn on. Creaking, slowly at first, then full blast. My faucet turned from off to full blast in the middle of the night. Got my happy ass up and turned it off, then went back to sleep. Fuck a ghost.20
I lived in this older house when I was probably 29 and I use to hear noises and never thought anything of it and then one night I got woken up by my tv at full volume and all the drawers in my dresser were pulled as far out without falling out. Went to bed and the next morning I went out into the kitchen and all the cupboards were open and the water running!! Moved out 2 weeks later.21
I awoke in the middle of the night and found a woman in Victorian clothes walking up the stairs. I pulled the blanket over my head thinking I was dreaming. The bottom corner of the bed lifted and I told myself if the other side lifts, I’m out. Sure enough, it lifted and I bolted. My mother told me she had a similar experience when she was younger.